Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer Camp - Cup Stacking

Another really good sport we played was Cup Stacking. This one, was a relay game that could be done indoors (in the A/C) so it was actually a good one. Teams would race to get through all of their teammates, alternating stacking the cups into a pyramid and dismantling the pyramid. The first few rounds were played with 10 cups, but after the students got the hang of it, 5 more cups were added to give the pyramid another row. Some kids got the hang of it, and would build the pyramid quickly like they were supposed to. Others went 'Korean' on it, and would meticulously build the pyramid losing the speed aspect completely.

One day, the boys were sent out to play soccer, and even Koreans understand that girls can't play sports, so the girls got to stay in and stack cups!
Pegasus vs Scorpius

This was one of the students that didn't quite get the game

double cups on the bottom row... That was a big problem


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