Saturday, December 18, 2010

Better City, Better Life! Expo 2010 - Eats & Drinks

Most people took a 'learn about culture through experiencing the pavilions approach' but we went a slightly different way... We set out on a quest to experience as many countries as possible via their available snacks and beverages...


Grilling meats

Chicken Satay

Beer of the Gods

And, 1 can of Bintang is only 40 calories!

Sweet hats

Ordering some wine from Australia

The disposable Australian wine glasses fill the stem!

She's never been happier...

Self-timer shot

That self-timer shot gave these two enough time to attack

Russia, Andrew's dream...

Naturally, we visited the Snow Bar

The menu

Apparently, in Russia they call it a 'Bloody Masha...'

The Bloody Masha!

*Sorry, the camera settings got changed to monochrome and we ended up with this green picture of the Canadian pavilion...

But, inside the Canadian pavilion, they had Moosehead!

And poutine!

They also had American mustard and ketchup!

Proud to be a Canadian

The Chinese representation of Canadian hockey players...

It was so painful to watch Chinese people eat Western food. This little boy took his burger and separated it before eating it. Then his dad took over used the knife and fork to cut and mix it into a cheese burger salad.


We went straight into the restaurant to grab some snacks!

On the tequila menu,
you could order shoots, bottles or jugs...

We decided on a Corona...

...and a Tequila shoot to accompany our nachos!

After we had our Mexican snack, these Taiwanese students interviewed us for a class project. Their interview was basically: 'Where are you from?' and 'Have you been to the Taiwan pavilion?'

This mom covered each bite of her pizza (from the Italian pavilion) with ketchup... Just another example of how they didn't understand how to eat Western food. At least it was Heinz...

Treats from Thailand!

Waiting in line

Chang, Thailand's finest!

Ice Dew, Thailand's finest!

Tom Yum (with noodles?)

Phad Thai

Sweet hats

Some afternoon steamed dumplings

Waiting in line to buy swirl cones

Snack Success!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Better City, Better Life! Expo 2010 - Country Parade

Like the light parade at Disneyland, only not good...

Sexy flag girls

The Expo float

Like the pavilions, these floats where the Chinese idea of each country which made identifying the floats pretty difficult...
18th century French getups...

The France floats (maybe?)

The Africa float
(all those countries are the same, they only need one float...)


Thailand again? Or India maybe?

The any-island-country float

Banana girls

The Mexico float

And, that's all!
They thought that was a sufficient representation of the world...