Fortunately for us, Judy's school got her an apartment that we both are able to live in. The unfortunate part of it is that, while the office of education placed us in schools near each other (30 minutes apart), they failed to mention to the schools that we were a couple and we'd at least like to live near each other. By chance, we both are the first students in our apartments, so it would have been super easy for our schools to find apartments close to each other or give us an apartment together. Instead, Andrew's school got him one right near his school, and Judy's school picked one on the outskirts of town, 30 minutes in the opposite direction of Andrew's school. The location and commutes aside, the place is pretty awesome. It's a loft apartment on the top floor of a 10 story building. Big city living at it's finest, almost...
The elevator and stairs
The cage (as we put it) where an old man sits and sleeps all day. He's employed by the building somehow, but we're not quite sure. Security guard is probably the closest title, but we know that's not what he does. He is 'the man in the cage,' that's all we know...
The mailbox
That's us on the right!
The lock is really stupid. You have to insert that key, then twist the knob to lock or unlock the door.
The inside handle is much more normal (And we have a sweet hotel lock!)
The entry way
Shoe closet, hall closet, storage closet and linen cabinet
Judy's closet and our big ass window
The only chair and the island (When Judy's co-teacher moved her in, she was told that the island is her kitchen table and desk.)
The kitchen
The kitchen and the loft rail
The awesomely decorated dorm refrigerator. This is a one person apartment in Seoul, which means that an adult lived here before us and that adult thought it was an OK idea to cover the refrigerator with these stupid stickers. Puffy kissing dog stickers on the freezer, and fuzzy strawberry stickers on the fridge, duh! 
The hallway (and kitchen) with the bedroom door closed...
...and with the bedroom door open!
The bed and dresser
Those bars extending from the floor to the (low) ceiling make up Andrew's really sweet closet.
View from the bedThe bathroom
Sink, shower and mirror While the shower still soaks the toilet, it's a much better setup than our last bathroom
The tiny washerOur view
*Sadly, after a month, we are still in the process of moving in. We're close now, just missing a few key items. So, once we finish that, we will upload photos showing an apartment that people actually live in.
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