The day Miranda went to school with Judy, Andrew ended up getting a half day, so we all met for lunch, then Andrew and Miranda went off to a special, special place, the Cat Cafe. Andrew had been interested in establishments like these for a long time (Korea has them for both cats and dogs), but Judy refused to go with him and they aren't the type of place you want to go alone. So, Miranda was willing and Andrew seized his opportunity...
Miranda & Mr. Cat
Cat cafes, sadly a common thing in Korea, are coffee shops where people go to sip coffee and pet kitties. Weird. And gross. How can something as filthy sounding as that exist, much less thrive? Andrew and Miranda found out: disgusting Koreans.
Picture a Starbucks, and then line it with scratching posts, cat houses and ramps, add the smell of the Humane Society plus freshly ground coffee and you've got a Korean cat cafe!
After you order your drink and sit down, an employee comes and gives you a handful of cat food to feed the felines.
Feeding Time!
A perfect example of the disgusting people that keep places like this afloat.
This short-haired Egyptian creature was so skittish (and gross)
Poor cat... :(
Once Judy was off work, she met us in Myeongdong and we headed for (yet again) another of our favorite restaurants, 새마을식당.
Tasty Stuff
Saucy, spicy bacon grilled with cabbage and onions
These people next to us had ordered pork skin, and Andrew was curious to try it. So, he played the 'I'm foreign' card and asked them, in poor Korean, what they were eating. It worked perfectly and they gave us all a piece to try. Grilled skin of a pig wasn't bad. It certainly wasn't good, but it wasn't bad. The closest description we could come to was: a hot, savory gummy worm!
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